quinta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2024

PEACE / DANCE Exclusive Interview with DONNY

Dez anos se passaram desde que ouvimos as primeiras demos para Peace/Dance.

Anos se passaram.

O álbum será lançado amanhã


INCO: This project has taken years to make!

DONNY: Indeed it has.  I remember having the idea in 2013 to make a compilation of my favorite songs that were not Madonna and release them in two formats: ballad and dance remix.  I made a few “audio clips” of the idea and sent them to you at Holiday Share in 2014.

I: But you actually did include Madonna.

D: Yes, I couldn’t help it.  I love Madonna.  I had to do one Madonna song in the end.  I knew it was going to be “Like A Prayer.”

I: I remember hearing the preview clip of Like a Prayer.  The music you used in 2014 was completely different from the final version.

 D: Yes, it was.  In 2014, I selected specific music for it.  And I loved it.  But now it is 10 years later and I cannot locate that music again.  So I started over and tried something completely new.

 I: Tell me more about your inspiration for the project.

 D: A few years before, I made a Madonna compilation of ambient mixes, completely downtempo and “chill.”  It was released through Holiday Share.  After that, I made CD singles for some of those ambient mixes and included dance mixes.  I liked the idea of doing that for other artists – peaceful mixes and dance mixes – all on one compilation.

 I: How did you determine which artists would be included on the compilation?

 D: I don’t recall.  I’m sure it had to do with what songs I was enjoying at the moment.  I always loved Enigma and Sandra, so of course they would be included.  Lauren Christy’s “Satellite” was so beautiful to me.  I thought to myself, “Wouldn’t it be great to have a dance mix of it?”  Dana Glover sang “Start All Over Again” in the television show called Desperate Housewives, and I remember hearing it and thinking, “That is so peaceful.”  I liked it enough in 2014 to want to include it.  And I had just watched the second season of the TV series “SMASH” where I heard Krysta Rodriguez singing the incredibly beautiful track “Reach For Me.”  I knew I wanted to include it.

I: In 2014, the recording artist ATB was not included on the compilation.

D: Correct.  Originally, it was going to be a single CD, with the first half “Peace” and the second half “Dance.”  There was no room for any other artists.  But eventually, I decided to split it up into two CDs, one for each style of sound.  Knowing there would be extra room on the CDs to include other artists, I reached out to you to suggest some artists and titles.

I: Yes, I remember that.  It was during Covid, and the two of us started thinking about what other tracks could be included.

D: That’s right.  And then recently, you suggested ATB’s song “Autumn Leaves.”  I listened to it and agreed it was the perfect way to end each CD.

I: The idea started in 2014 and was completed ten years later in 2024.  Why did it take so long to finish the project?

D: Because of distractions.  As you know, I take on MANY remixing projects.  And most often, they are Madonna related for my Facebook page Remixers United Productions feat. Madonna.  Time after time, the Peace/Dance project was put aside and forgotten about so that I would have time to make other remixes for Madonna.  But the Peace/Dance project was always lingering in my mind, begging to be finished.  And in 2024, I allowed myself time to finally finish it.

I: And at the end of ten years, you kept the original track list (plus the ATB song).

D: Yes, why not.  The desire to hear different remixes for the original track list was just as strong.

I: I’ve listened to both CDs on this compilation and love it.  Especially the ATB song.  Do you think you’ll do another Peace/Dance compilation?  Perhaps Volume 2?

D: I doubt it.  This 10-year effort was exhausting to make.  But then again, there’s an old expression: “Never say never.”  So you never know.  It could happen, but I wouldn’t count on it.

I:  What’s next for you? What projects do you have coming up?

D: That’s a good question.  I have another project that I started YEARS ago – longer than the Peace/Dance project.  Do you remember I released a Madonna compilation called “Madonna: A To Z, Part One”?

I: Yes, I do!  You remixed 13 songs for part one. Songs that started with the letters A through M.

D: Yes, The first track was Animal, the second track was Broken, the third track was Cry Baby.  Etcetera.  I always wanted to finish that compilation with part two, tracks N through Z.

I: I wondered if you were going to release the second half.

D: So I would like to do that in the near future. HOLIDAY SHARE released the original part one in 2011.  

I: Does this mean Madonna A to Z, Part Two will be your next release? When can we expect it?

D: I’m not sure if it was be the very next release.  There are plenty of other projects that I want to work on as well, including the next Dream Tour, which was put on hold for Peace/Dance.  But, I promise you, A to Z part two will be sometime in late 2024 or early 2025.

I: Your fans will be looking forward to it.  Thank you for taking the time for this interview.  You are very busy!
D: Thank you, Inco. You too are very busy.  One day, I should interview you!

I: You are very kind, lol.  Now you can relax. Talk again soon, my friend.

D: Indeed, we will.  Peace out.

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