sábado, 11 de março de 2023

I'm Breathless The Dream Tour / Exclusive Interview with Donny


Mais um lançamento incrível do projeto Dream Tour, dessa vez com o album I'm Breathless.

Donny remixou todas as faixas desse album incrível como se fosse um show completo, incluindo aquelas músicas que sempre sonhamos em ver em um show como He's A Man, Back In Business, More entre outras.

Destaco as versões produzidas para Back In Business, Something To Remember (a melhor do album) e Vogue, essa ganhou a inclusão de saxofone! Além disso, 6 músicas ganharam sua versão estúdio.

O idealizador do projeto Dream Tour, Donny concedeu mais uma entrevista exclusiva contando tudo sobre o processo criativo e projetos futuros. Semana que vem tem mais Donny no HOLIDAY SHARE.

One MP3 track (192.5 MB):
One WAV track (1.3 GB):
12 MP3 Individual tracks, separated (will have a slight pause between tracks when played) (224.4 MB):
12 WAV Individual tracks, separated (CD burning programs can "remove" pauses between tracks for seamless playback) (1.6 GB):



Inco: The “I’m Breathless” Dream Tour will be your fifth in the series.  How did you come up with the idea?

Donny: Well, years ago, Channing Lukesavant made some “live” remixes that were amazing.  I give credit where credit is due, and his live remixes were inspirational to me.  Moving forward, several years, I saw a post of Facebook asking fans which songs would they love to hear Madonna sing in concert.  That’s when I realized Madonna has not performed every single she has released, such as I’ll Remember, and This Used To Be My Playground.  Reflecting on the great work Channing did, I decided that each album should have a special “live” tour – and every track should be included.  I wanted to allow the listeners to imagine what they were hearing as a real concert, during the release of each album.

Inco: So you called them dream tours because fans dreamed to hear songs performed live…

Donny: Actually, the word dream is an acronym.  D.R.E.A.M.  It stands for Donny Re-imagines Every Album of Madonna.

Inco: That is very clever.

Donny: Over time, I dropped the initials – the idea of an acronym – and called it simply a “dream tour.”

Inco: Was it difficult to make certain tracks live, considering some tracks were only released as a studio track?

Donny: It is difficult, yes.  I established some rules that I must always follow.  For starters, I wanted to keep the tracks in album order (it’s just simple to be consistent that way).  That was rule number one.  Secondly, if a track was already live from one of her tours, I would use the existing live track, but make it different through edits.

Inco: Can you give an example of that?

Donny: Yes, when it came to Like A Virgin, the virgin tour audio included her singing a Michael Jackson song, so I edited that out.  Subtle changes, but it made it different.  Something unique and fresh.

Inco: I understand now.  Re-edit existing live tracks.  That is rule number two.  What other rules are in place for you to follow when making a dream tour?

Donny: Just one more.  Rule number three – try to make the most unique versions for any song that has never been performed live.  This might be finding a cover of the song by another artist and turn that version into an instrumental.  Then add Madonna’s vocals.  Another idea that I’ve used from time to time is adding musical instruments to a track to spice it up.  I’m not a good piano player but I try.  I can do simple chords or some melody that is easy to do on my electric piano.  My piano has a variety of instruments.  I won’t tell you or the fans which tracks I’ve added my own piano playing, but there are a few.  I’m private in that sense.  But I can hear them on playback.  They are subtle.

Inco: This is your fifth dream tour.  You’ve released them in order over two years.  It must take a while to make them.

Donny: Yes and no.  Usually, I am tired of hearing the dream tour when I release it, and I want to take a break.  So I stop making a dream tour and focus on other projects.  Then after a few months have passed, I decide to make the next one.  To make the dream tour, from start to finish, is usually about four to five weeks.

Inco: So the next dream tour, in a few months or so, will be the Erotica dream tour?

Donny: I’ll release the Immaculate Collection dream tour next.  And then the Erotica dream tour.  I don’t want to leave out Justify My Love and Rescue Me.  These two songs wouldn’t make sense to put on I’m Breathless or Erotica.  And I certainly couldn’t make a tour with just two songs.  So I definitely have to make the Immaculate Collection dream tour.  Since all of the tracks have been released live already, it should be much quicker to make.

Inco: So let’s focus on this one, the “I’m Breathless” Dream Tour.  Could you take us through the process of putting this concert together?

Donny:  Sure!  I knew going into this particular tour that it would be unusual.  Let’s face it, the songs from I’m Breathless aren’t exactly pop music.  They are more ‘20’s jazz – with the exception of Vogue.  So I decided to open up the concert with a montage of Dick Tracy audio.  I imagined the curtains opening up to be screens that showed clips from the movie – until Madonna came out to sing the first song.  For the song Sooner or Later, I used the Oscar performance.  Hanky Panky was from the Re-Invention tour.  I’m Going Bananas is from the Blond Ambition Tour, as was Now I’m Following You and Vogue – although, for Vogue, I added some jazz instruments to lead into it.  This way, I could merge from the 1920’s jazz style into the pop music style flawlessly.  Back in Business deserved to be a pop and jazz blend.  The remaining studio tracks were re-edited to make them a bit unique.

INCO:  I love all this behind-the-scenes information.  Thank you so much for this treat.  I’m Breathless is one of my favorite albums.  You’ve helped reimagine it and keep it fresh again for listeners.  I look forward to your next dream tour.

DONNY:  My pleasure.


2 comentários:

  1. Fantastic post INCO. I enjoyed both very much, the newly fresh album - I'm Breathless is also one of my favs - and this interview. Thanx so much to you and Donny!

    1. Thank you so much sugar heels. This is Donny and I rarely get to hear praise in this work, so I very much appreciate it. Makes me want to make more dream tours! <3
